Event Archive
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Event Archive

May 11, 2018 • Open to the Public
The Penn Project for Civic Engagement Workshop on Hearing Your Publics
This workshop will be of use to any leader who wants to engage more deeply and usefully with either internal or external stakeholders.
April 11, 2018 • Open to the Public
Women in Nonprofit Leadership Conference
Interested in inspiring action and unleashing leaders? Join aspiring leaders, activists, and philanthropists at the 2018 Women in Nonprofit Leadership Conference to learn more.
March 28, 2018 • Open to the Public
Fair Districts PA Town Hall with California Independent Redistricting Commission Members
Join Fair Districts PA to hear from three members of the California Independent Redistricting Commission, which serves as a reform model for states across the country, including Pennsylvania.
November 29, 2017 • Open to the Public
Crowdfund Your Run for Office
Ever considered running for office? The biggest challenge any candidate faces is raising money. But what if you could launch your campaign with instant momentum, zero startup costs and a network of supporters that can help crowdfund your way to victory?
November 02, 2017 • Open to the Public
City Controller Forum on Facebook LIVE
Seventy's Chris Satullo will interview Controller candidates Rebecca Rhynhart (D) and Mike Tomlinson (R) separately, then moderate a discussion of campaign issues.
October 27, 2017 • Open to the Public
113th Anniversary Luncheon with Jon Meacham best-selling author & presidential historian
Art of Leadership: Lessons from the American Presidency
October 19, 2017 • Open to the Public
La Salle University District Attorney Debate on October 19
La Salle University District Attorney Debate on October 19 District Attorney candidates Larry Krasner and Beth Grossman will meet at a debate hosted by La Salle University on October 19 at the new Founders' Hall facility at 723 N. Wister Street.
October 18, 2017 • Open to the Public
Pennsylvania Appellate Court Forums
Candidate forums for all three appellate levels of Pennsylvania’s Unified Judicial System are taking place at Widener Commonwealth Law School in Harrisburg and will be telecast on PCN.
October 17, 2017 • Open to the Public
Slay the Gerrymander Happy Hour on October 17
Help us "Slay the Gerrymander" at a happy hour on Tuesday, October 17th!
October 14, 2017 • Open to the Public
The Pennsylvania Conference to End Gerrymandering on October 14
The nonpartisan Fair Districts PA coalition is convening a one-day redistricting conference in Harrisburg for volunteers, supporters, academics, press and legislators.