Ethics and Transparency
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Ethics and Transparency

Good government doesn't just mean doing what's legal; it means doing what's right.

image of PA state capitol

What We're Doing

Seventy works hard to see that public officials are doing the right thing.

Permanent Inspector General

Seventy advocates for the creation of a permanent Inspector General within the City Charter to root out waste, fraud and corruption throughout the entire government.

Philadelphia Board of Ethics

Seventy also supports the Philadelphia Board of Ethics (whose creation we fought for) in continuing to enforce the city's campaign finance, lobbying and political activity laws.
Important Resources
Philadelphia Board of Ethics
The Philadelphia Board of Ethics, in addition to its enforcement responsibilities, hosts online databases on campaign finance, lobbying and financial disclosures of city officials.
Office of the Inspector General
The Office of the Inspector General investigates reports of fraud and corruption in city government in addition to ensuring strict rules on city contracts are followed.
Chief Integrity Officer
The Chief Integrity Officer works proactively to avoid potential issues by providing ethics training and guidance for city employees and officials. Visit IntegrityWorks for an overview of the city's public watchdogs and their responsibilities.
Recent News

July 14, 2024

C70 Statement on the Attack Against Fmr. Pres. Trump

C70 condemns this violent attack and calls on leaders across all ideologies and sectors to speak out against violence publicly and in no uncertain terms.

June 24, 2024

2024 Women in Public Leadership Event

The Committee of Seventy’s third annual Women in Public Leadership event took place on May 15, 2024.

June 05, 2024

Testimony on Nonprofit Exemption for City Contracting

Testimony on Nonprofit Exemption for City Contracting

April 02, 2024

Committee of Seventy Awarded $900,000 in Grant Funding

The Committee of Seventy announced that it has been awarded major grants totaling $900,000 to support its work to strengthen democracy, elections and civic education in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania. This includes an $800,000 grant from William Penn Foundation, matching their previous investment from 2022—the largest grant Seventy ever received in its history. Seventy will also receive $80,000 from the Agua Fund, and $20,000 from CivXNow, a project of iCivics.

March 13, 2024

Committee of Seventy Releases Columns From Transition Sessions for Mayor and City Council

The Committee of Seventy, with support from the William Penn Foundation, hosted a series of briefings beginning in the fall of 2023 to help manage upcoming transitions into office for the Mayor and City Council. In an effort to share insights from the briefings with the public, Seventy released several columns on the sessions written by Dave Davies.