Run for Elected Office
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Run for Elected Office

Be The Change You Want To See 

Have an issue you're passionate about? Think you could do better than the folks currently in office? Answer the call to public service and run for elected office! You don’t have to have an Ivy League degree. And your uncle doesn’t have to be a Ward Leader. Here are some resources that can get you started at the entry levels of party politics in Philly to the government office in Harrisburg.

How to Run for Committeeperson
Committeepeople are Members of the Ward Executive Committee elected in the Primary Election. They serve as a point of contact between the voters in a division, elected officials and their political party. Elections occur in May 2022. For information, see Seventy's "How to Run for Committeeperson" manual.
How to Run for Election Officer
In Pennsylvania, three of the five people who run each polling place on Election Day are elected officials themselves. These positions -- the Judge of Election or Inspector of Election -- will next be on the ballot in 2021. For information about running for Election Officer, download Seventy's"How to Run for Election Officer" guide.
How To Become a Clerk
Individuals interested in serving as a Clerk in their division should contact their neighborhood Minority Inspector. As an elected Election Officer, the Minority Inspector appoints the Clerk for their Election Board prior to each election. A list of incumbent Minority Inspectors in Philadelphia is available online.
How To Become a Machine Inspector
The Philadelphia City Commissioners appoint Machine Inspectors for divisions where a Judge of Election is unable to do so. Unlike the other Election Board positions, Machine Inspectors must only be a registered voter in the county. Submit your information online if interested in serving in this position.
How to Stay Informed About Judicial Elections
Find information on judicial elections from Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts, a nonprofit, nonpartisan watchdog for the judicial system. Candidates are strongly advised to review the Judicial Conduct Board of Pennsylvania's Code of Judicial Conduct. Open seats on local- and state-level courts are on the ballot in odd-numbered years.

Additional Resources

Helpful resources are also available from the following agencies:

Pennsylvania Department of State

Learn more about statewide elections and running for office.

Philadelphia County Board of Elections

Learn more about Philadelphia candidates and elections.

Philadelphia Board of Ethics

Learn more about starting a campaign and campaign finance in Philadelphia.

Need Help?

Email [email protected] or call us at 215-557-3600.