Event Archive
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Event Archive

October 20, 2020 • Elections and Voting
Seventy Minutes (Election 2020 Edition): What to Expect, What it Means, and Where America Goes from Here
This news magazine-style virtual event is exclusively available to Committee of Seventy guests. Just 15 days before the election, national commentators, pollsters, politicians, and historians will join in conversation to help us anticipate the Presidential election and what it means for America and the world.
November 22, 2019 • Open to the Public
115th Anniversary Luncheon
Celebrating the 15th & 19th Amendments: Race, Gender and the Vote in 2020 with Akhil Reed Amar and Sherrilyn Ifill
June 05, 2019 • Elections and Voting
Vote for US
Come join us for a moderated discussion with Joshua A. Douglas, author of the new book Vote for US: How to Take Back Our Elections and Change the Future of Voting, and the Committee of Seventy's CEO, David Thornburgh.
March 23, 2019 • Open to the Public
Can We Talk?
Please join us to strike a blow for the notion that America isn’t doomed to division. Some hard work needs doing, but we can do it. Beginning here, in Philadelphia.
February 20, 2019 • Open to the Public
Connecting Current and Future Leaders
Join NExT Philadelphia - Urban League of Philadelphia Young Professionals and Temple University Masters of Public Policy program as we provide a forum for millennials to engage with a current leader in the Philadelphia region. This will be a great opportunity to network while adding your voice towards strengthening the experience of urban young professionals in the city.
November 30, 2018 • Open to the Public
114th Anniversary Luncheon
With Governor John Hickenlooper (D-CO) and Governor John Kasich (R-OH)
October 18, 2018 • Open to the Public
State of Young Philly Event: Why Harrisburg Matters
Join the Committee of Seventy, Temple University's MPP Program and Young Involved Philadelphia for a panel discussion on the critical relationship between Harrisburg and Philadelphia.
October 18, 2018 • Open to the Public
NExT Philadelphia Presents: How Local is Your Politics on October 18
Join NExT Philadelphia, Temple University's Public Policy program and Seventy for a discussion of effective political engagement---in and out of elective office.
September 25, 2018 • Open to the Public
Mission Story Slam 2: Saving Democracy
PWPvideo is partnering with Draw the Lines to present MISSION Story Slam 2: Saving Democracy at Yards Brewing. Come out and share your story of working or planning to keep our country strong.
September 17, 2018 • Open to the Public
Celebrate Constitution Day and Slay the Gerrymander
Join the Committee of Seventy and the University of Pennsylvania’s Office of Government and Community Affairs on September 17th to Celebrate Constitution Day and Slay the Gerrymander.