Taxes and Budget
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Taxes and Budget

Seventy works to provide access to information on Philadelphia taxing and budgeting activities.

What We're Doing

Seventy diligently monitors the City's taxing and budgeting activity year-round, and provides you with the resources to view that activity.

Why We Care

Nobody likes to pay taxes. Worse, nobody wants those tax dollars spent wastefully or fraudulently. Shining a spotlight on how the government spends your tax dollars is at the heart of Seventy’s watchdog mission.

How it Works

We diligently monitor City Hall year-round, particularly during budget season in the spring. Around this time, the Mayor proposes a spending plan for the next fiscal year. Subsequently, City Council holds a hearing on the proposed plan, amends it, and then adopts it.
Important Resources
Office of the Director of Finance
The Office of the Director of Finance is the chief agency responsible for Philadelphia’s finances, accounting, and budgeting within the executive branch of the city’s government.
Open Budget Tool
The Open Budget Tool provides a quick overview of the city’s budget for users to explore.
City Council's Budget Center
Philadelphia City Council’s Budget Center includes proposed operating and capital budgets for the city. Moreover, it provides hearing schedules, specific budget information, and testimony by department.
Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority (PICA)
The Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority (PICA) was established in 1991 to help Philadelphia recover from a severe financial crisis. The Board and staff at PICA continue to provide yearly oversight by reviewing and approving the city’s five-year financial plan.
Recent News

July 22, 2024

Committee of Seventy Releases Statement on Developments in Presidential Election Process

President and CEO of the Committee of Seventy, Lauren Cristella, released a statement regarding recent developments in the presidential election process.

July 14, 2024

C70 Statement on the Attack Against Fmr. Pres. Trump

C70 condemns this violent attack and calls on leaders across all ideologies and sectors to speak out against violence publicly and in no uncertain terms.

June 24, 2024

2024 Women in Public Leadership Event

The Committee of Seventy’s third annual Women in Public Leadership event took place on May 15, 2024.

June 05, 2024

Testimony on Nonprofit Exemption for City Contracting

Testimony on Nonprofit Exemption for City Contracting

April 02, 2024

Committee of Seventy Awarded $900,000 in Grant Funding

The Committee of Seventy announced that it has been awarded major grants totaling $900,000 to support its work to strengthen democracy, elections and civic education in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania. This includes an $800,000 grant from William Penn Foundation, matching their previous investment from 2022—the largest grant Seventy ever received in its history. Seventy will also receive $80,000 from the Agua Fund, and $20,000 from CivXNow, a project of iCivics.