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Testimony on Civil Service Exemption for Citizens Police Oversight Commission
The Committee of Seventy expressed concern about a proposal to create a special carve out from the civil service system for staff of the Citizens Police Oversight Commission and urged lawmakers to instead focus on the systemic and underlying issues in recruitment, hiring, retention and promotion that plague the city workforce.
news/Letters & Testimony
Testimony on Congressional Redistricting Criteria
Senate State Government Committee
news/Letters & Testimony
Testimony on Gifts Rules in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Senate State Government Committee
news/Letters & Testimony
Testimony on Land Bank Legislation
Philadelphia City Council | Committee on Public Property and Public Works
news/Letters & Testimony
Testimony on Nonprofit Exemption for City Contracting
Testimony on Nonprofit Exemption for City Contracting
news/Letters & Testimony
Testimony on Philadelphia Tax Policy
by David Thornburgh, President and CEO, Committee of Seventy | Philadelphia City Council, Committee on Legislative Oversight
news/Letters & Testimony
Testimony on Priority Election Reforms and Rebuilding Trust
House State Government Committee
news/Letters & Testimony
Testimony on Proposed Campaign Finance Disclosure Rules
Philadelphia City Council | Committee on Law and Government | Bill No. 150368
news/Letters & Testimony
Testimony on Proposed Charter Amendment to Abolish the School Reform Commission
Philadelphia City Council | Committee on Law and Government | Bill No. 140514; Resolution No. 140527
news/Letters & Testimony
Testimony on Proposed Charter Amendment to Eliminate Resign to Run for Elected Officials
Philadelphia City Council | Committee on Law and Government