Table of Contents
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Table of Contents

Suggested pacing and order for Can We Talk? exercises


1) E Pluribus Unum?  -  An introductory exercise, with slide deck, that reviews the evidence that polarization and division are reaching crisis levels. Each slide invites student discussion and feedback.  Exercise to come.

2) A Took Kit for Troubled Times -  A review of the nine CWT ground rules for productive dialogue, with some review of the deeper concepts behind them.  

UNIT TWO: WHO ARE WE?  - Exercises exploring identity, bubbles and values.

1) The Multiple Identities Exercise - An exercise to help students see themselves, and others, as multi-faceted

2) What Are Your Bubbles? -  Urging students to map the bubbles that provide security and belonging, but can also obscure our vision

3) American Values - What Are They? -  Identifying the values that really drive America

UNIT THREE: ARE WE LISTENING? - Thinking about listening as a democratic skill

1) How to Be an Active Listener -  Reviewing how listening is a skill we can learn and practice

2) Three Questions - A 30-minute interactive exercise in active listening. 

3) Asking Different Kinds of Questions - Tips on how to ask questions that show you really care and want to learn

UNIT FOUR: WHAT'S THE PROBLEM? -  Tools for naming problems and exploring issues

1) The Five Whys - A 20–25-minute interactive exercise in how to discover the real problem.

2) The Kitchen-Table Question -  A process to find out what issues matter most to students, and how they see them

3) The Friend's Dilemma - A fun exercise to explore what's going right and what's going wrong in your school or town

4) Story Core - A powerful exercise to find out what a place is good at and what it's bad at. Exercise to come.

5) The Social Dilemma - An assignment leading to student presentations on how social media discussions go south. Exercise to come.

UNIT FIVE: WHAT CAN WE DO? -  Tools for having better conversations and finding better solutions

1) Can We Talk? dialogues - How to use the prompts, and help students learn from the experience

2) How to Plan for A Difficult Conversation -  Presenting a tool to help you anticipate what could go wrong and how to avoid it.

3) How to Frame an Issue - Sharing tools that helps you navigate difference of opinion on tough issues. Exercise to come.