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issue/Extension Activities
Ranked Choice Voting
Discuss and practice ranked choice voting with students. (45 minutes)
Seventy advocates for fair district drawing to promote free, competitive elections.
news/Press Releases
Redistricting Reform Commission Releases Final Report
HARRISBURG, PA – The bipartisan Pennsylvania Redistricting Reform Commission released a final report today with recommendations to improve the process of creating legislative district boundaries. Governor Wolf signed an executive order last year creating the commission to explore ways Pennsylvania could curb gerrymandering and make redistricting fairer and nonpartisan.
Rover Training and Q&A
Seventy provides tutorials on working at the polls and covers topics and frequently asked questions.
issue/Grades K-2
Rules Rule!
Book: Bella’s Rules by Elissa Haden Guest
event/Open to the Public
Run This Town: How to Run for Office
Candidates in 22 of 26 state House races in Philadelphia coasted to victory with no opponent in the November 4 general election. Uncompetitive elections are a serious problem in Philly, and the city needs candidates.
Saving Our Democracy: A Discussion on Political Innovation with Katherine Gehl
Katherine M. Gehl is the founder of The Institute for Political Innovation (IPI), a nonpartisan nonprofit founded in 2020 to catalyze modern political change.
Securing Your Vote: Business Briefing on PA Election Operations with Acting Secretary of the Commonwealth Leigh Chapman
On September 7th, Acting Secretary of the Commonwealth Leigh Chapman will brief PA's business community on her department's efforts for November 2022, and how we can maximize the engagement of employees, customers, and community members in the next election. Learn about the steps state and county officials are taking to account for the large number of expected mail-in ballots, report the results in a timely manner, and make sure the security systems are in place to guarantee that every valid ballot is counted. The goal, as Ms. Chapman will explain, is to administer the election in a way so that the results are widely trusted.
news/Press Releases
Sen. Dan Laughlin to Introduce Open Primaries Legislation to Enfranchise 900,000 Independent Voters on Election Day
Sen. Dan Laughlin to Introduce Open Primaries Legislation to Enfranchise 900,000 Independent Voters on Election Day
news/Letters & Testimony
Senate State Government Committee Testimony on Redistricting Reform
Written Testimony on Redistricting Reform | Senate State Government Committee