Press & Testimony
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Press & Testimony

November 04, 2020 • Press Releases
Committee of Seventy Statement on Continued Vote Count
Committee of Seventy Statement on Continued Vote Count
October 30, 2020 • Letters & Testimony
Why Voters in Philadelphia Can Trust the Election Process
Why Voters in Philadelphia Can Trust the Election Process
October 30, 2020 • Letters & Testimony
Por qué los votantes de Filadelfia pueden confiar en el proceso electoral
Por qué los votantes de Filadelfia pueden confiar en el proceso electoral
October 16, 2020 • Letters & Testimony
Letter to PA Senators: Counties Need Time to Process Ballots
Letter to PA Senators: Counties Need Time to Process Ballots
September 30, 2020 • Press Releases
Statement on HR 1032 to Create a Select Committee on Election Integrity
Seventy expresses concern over partisanship, failure to provide ballot-processing time for counties
September 23, 2020
Letter to Senate State Government Committee: Support Redistricting Criteria and Transparency Bill
Letter to Senate State Government Committee: Support Redistricting Criteria and Transparency Bill
September 19, 2020 • Letters & Testimony
Letter to General Assembly: Urgent Election Code Fixes Needed for Counties and Voters
Letter to General Assembly: Urgent Election Code Fixes Needed for Counties and Voters
August 27, 2020
New Statewide Poll Finds Strong Support for Primary Reform
Registered voters support open primaries and top-two system for Pennsylvania
July 23, 2020 • Letters & Testimony
Legislative Changes Urgently Needed Prior to November 2020 Election
Legislative Changes Urgently Needed Prior to November 2020 Election
July 21, 2020 • Letters & Testimony
Written Testimony on Preparing Philadelphia for the November 2020 Election
Preparing Philadelphia for the November 2020 Election | City Council Legislative Oversight Committee