Press & Testimony
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Press & Testimony

September 18, 2019 • Letters & Testimony
Testimony on Redistricting Reform
Written Testimony on Redistricting Reform | House State Government Committee Hearing
August 29, 2019 • Press Releases
Redistricting Reform Commission Releases Final Report
HARRISBURG, PA – The bipartisan Pennsylvania Redistricting Reform Commission released a final report today with recommendations to improve the process of creating legislative district boundaries. Governor Wolf signed an executive order last year creating the commission to explore ways Pennsylvania could curb gerrymandering and make redistricting fairer and nonpartisan.
July 09, 2019 • Press Releases
Seventy Supports Wolf Administration Financing of New Voting Systems
HARRISBURG, PA – The Committee of Seventy applauds the Wolf administration’s order to issue a bond to cover the long-term investment in safe, secure voting systems. Counties around the state have taken responsible steps over the past year to procure new voting machines with voter-verified paper trails. Such equipment is essential to protect the integrity of our elections, and our local governments deserve this financial support for doing their part.
June 25, 2019 • Press Releases
Open Primaries Legislation Approved by the Pennsylvania Senate
Landmark Bill Will Move to the State House for Debate
June 18, 2019 • Press Releases
Open Primaries Legislation Advances in the Senate
​SB 300 Voted out of Committee with Bipartisan Support
June 13, 2019 • Letters & Testimony
Testimony on Citizen Engagement in the Redistricting Process
Draw the Lines PA | Citizen Engagement in the Redistricting Process | Written Testimony for the PA Redistricting Reform Commission
May 20, 2019 • Press Releases
Primary Reform Picks Up Traction Ahead of May 21 Primary
New coalition, editorial boards and legislative leadership call for reform
April 29, 2019 • Press Releases
Open Primaries PA to Press for Independents’ Right to Vote
New Coalition Supports Opening Pennsylvania’s Primaries
April 24, 2019 • Press Releases
Committee of Seventy Releases Philadelphia Resolution 1
New Platform for a Stronger Local Democracy
February 20, 2019 • Press Releases
City Commissioners Approve New Voting System for Philadelphia
City on track to safeguard 2020 elections, but City officials must address confusion and distrust