The Committee of Seventy’s PA Project for Civic Engagement (PPCE) helps communities and organizations hold productive conversations about challenging issues. Its motto is: If you want to hear a different conversation, you have to hold a different conversation.
Platforms and organizations for reference to learn about how to have diverse conversations.
This news aggregator quickly shows readers multiple sides of issues in the news.
The NIFI works to support group deliberations and substantive, meaningful discussions on issues from Social Security to Healthcare to Immigration.
The Red and Blue Exchange is headquartered in Philadelphia, at the University of Pennsylvania.
This platform uses a psychology-based approach to promote constructive and depolarizing discourse in schools, communities, and the workplace.
A Tucson-based organization, the NICD works to promote healthy and civil political debate.
The Hardwood Institute emphasizes community, rather than background and partisanship. They provide training and coaching that promote the kinds of problem-solving that benefit everyone.
Enjoy a few of our picks for books that help us keep an open but critical mind.
The Righteous Mind, Jonathan Haidt
Healing the Heart of Democracy, Parker Palmer
Coming to Public Judgement, Daniel Yankelovich
Stepping Forward, Rich Hartwood
Take a look at some of the videos below for some discussion of how to change the conversation and what is at stake if we don’t.