Judge of Elections, Inspector of Elections
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Judge of Elections, Inspector of Elections

The Judge of Election has the ultimate responsibility for the conduct of a polling place and the personnel working there. They must take an oath to admit only those voters who are properly registered and entitled to vote, to prevent fraud, deceit or abuse, and to make sure that all votes at the end of the day are accurately tabulated. The Judge is also responsible for opening and closing the polls, and for all the paperwork required on Election Day. Candidates running for this office must live in the election precinct, and its term of service is four years with no term limits. Check back soon for a full list of candidates for Philadelphia.

The Majority and Minority Inspector of Elections are generally responsible for checking voters’ registration documents and preparing certificates to authorize voters to cast their ballots. They ensure that the voting process is legal and administered fairly by verifying the signatures of voters as they sign the poll book (the big book on the table with the names of voters). The Inspectors are also responsible for checking to be sure the voting machine numbers are accurate at the end of the day. Candidates running for this office must live in the election precinct, and its term of service is four years with no term limits. Check back soon for a full list of candidates for Philadelphia.