Press & Testimony
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Press & Testimony

July 21, 2020 • Letters & Testimony
Written Testimony on Preparing Philadelphia for the November 2020 Election
Preparing Philadelphia for the November 2020 Election | City Council Legislative Oversight Committee
July 17, 2020 • Letters & Testimony
Written Testimony on Bill 200363, Bill 200367 and Resolution 200377
Proposals to Reinstitute a Pre-hire Residency Requirement for City Employees and Create a Citizens Police Oversight Commission City Council Law and Government Committee June 17, 2020
July 13, 2020 • Letters & Testimony
Letter to PA Senators: Committee of Seventy Opposes Regional Judicial Elections, HB 196
Letter to PA Senators: Committee of Seventy Opposes Regional Judicial Elections, HB 196
March 13, 2020 • Letters & Testimony
A Message from CEO David Thornburgh on the Challenges of the Times
by David Thornburgh President and CEO Committee of Seventy
February 03, 2020 • Letters & Testimony
Written Testimony on Bill 200015 and Resolution 200056
Proposed Changes to Political Activity Rules City Council Committee on Law and Government
December 02, 2019 • Letters & Testimony
Written Testimony on Bill 190861 and Resolution 190874
City Council Committee on Law and Government
November 26, 2019 • Letters & Testimony
Written Testimony on “Putting People First at City Hall”
Philadelphia City Council Committee on Commerce & Economic Development
September 18, 2019 • Letters & Testimony
Testimony on Redistricting Reform
Written Testimony on Redistricting Reform | House State Government Committee Hearing
June 13, 2019 • Letters & Testimony
Testimony on Citizen Engagement in the Redistricting Process
Draw the Lines PA | Citizen Engagement in the Redistricting Process | Written Testimony for the PA Redistricting Reform Commission
April 24, 2018 • Letters & Testimony
Senate State Government Committee Testimony on Redistricting Reform
Written Testimony on Redistricting Reform | Senate State Government Committee