UPDATED: C70 Statement on the Attack Against Fmr. Pres. Trump
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UPDATED: C70 Statement on the Attack Against Fmr. Pres. Trump


The Committee of Seventy strongly condemns the violent attack on former President Trump. Our thoughts are with everyone who was affected by this violence.

There is no place for violence in our politics and we stand with the overwhelming majority of Americans who share that belief. C70 has excellent resources that help people work out their differences without violence. 

Democracy works better when we earn and hold trust - trust in our elected officials, trust in our institutions and trust in each other. This is a moment where leaders across all ideologies and sectors must speak out against violence publicly and in no uncertain terms.

We also call on people to take care in what information they share or amplify, today and every day. We all have a role to play in promoting accurate information and quelling further acts of violence fueled by inflamed rhetoric and misinformation. For more resources or join our effort to create the vibrant democracy we need, visit seventy.org

Thank you to Search for Common Ground @SFCG_ for their resources and leadership in combatting political violence at home and abroad.


We are deeply troubled by the second assassination attempt on former President Trump this weekend. We continue to strongly condemn any acts of political violence and encourage people to explore the resources on our website that help people work out their differences without violence:

  • The Five Habits of Active Citizenship - At times like this, it is helpful to revisit our understanding of what it means to be civically engaged. The best way to combat feeling overwhelmed is to get informed and do the next thing.
  • Can We Talk? - C70’s Can We Talk? initiative introduces the skills and habits that promote productive dialogue across differences. A key component of this program are the ground rules for productive dialogue, which help facilitate discourse for anyone interested in sparking a civil conversation on tough political issues.
  • Lesson on Media Literacy - While originally developed for students, this lesson on media literacy is good advice for anyone.
  • University of Pennsylvania’s Paideia Program - This resource also provides information on engaging in productive dialogue, including this primer