Committee of Seventy Launches Nonpartisan Interactive Voter Guide for Upcoming November Election
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Committee of Seventy Launches Nonpartisan Interactive Voter Guide for Upcoming November Election

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Contact: Genevieve Greene, [email protected], 617-785-6991

Free and easy to use, the resource provides voters with unbiased information specific to their location, downloadable sample ballots and help with making a plan to vote.

Philadelphia, PA — The Committee of Seventy, Pennsylvania’s leading nonpartisan advocate for better government and stronger democracy, launched its Interactive Voter Guide for the upcoming November 5th election. The Interactive Voter Guide is a digital resource designed to help voters make informed decisions when casting their ballot. Users can enter their address to view a personalized, downloadable, sharable ballot and learn about candidates and their positions, as well as ballot measures specific to their location.

In addition to profiles on federal, state and local candidates and important dates and reminders, Seventy’s voter guide has a planning tool to help voters explore their in-person voting options and request a mail-in ballot. The site also provides sample ballots for voters to fill out, print for reference and even post to social media.

“We wanted to provide a simple and straightforward way to help support voters in being well-informed and prepared for the upcoming election,” said Lauren Cristella, President and CEO of the Committee of Seventy. “Our voter guide is an easy way to obtain unbiased information about the candidates and issues from a trusted and reliable source that is focused on empowering voters to be engaged and active in this election and beyond.”

The Committee of Seventy’s Interactive Voter Guide is another tool in the organization’s ongoing efforts to increase voter turnout and engagement through nonpartisan educational initiatives and resources. The Voter 101 page on Seventy's website has links to help voters find their polling place, register to vote, review past election results, and gain a clear understanding of what to expect when voting and their rights and responsibilities.

“As a nonpartisan advocate for good government, it’s part of our mission to encourage every eligible voter in Philadelphia and throughout the Commonwealth to be informed and engaged in the electoral process,” said Cristella. 

About the Committee of Seventy:

The Committee of Seventy is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that has promoted, supported and facilitated government ethics and election integrity for more than a century. Seventy advocates for more free, fair, safe and secure elections and works to ensure that every eligible voter votes, is informed when they vote, and votes with confidence. The organization is a trusted voice in a world of increased political mis- and dis-information and because it is committed to the idea that when more people vote, democracy wins. For more information, visit: