Committee of Seventy Earns American Bar Association’s 2024 Unsung Heroes of Democracy Award
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Committee of Seventy Earns American Bar Association’s 2024 Unsung Heroes of Democracy Award

For Immediate Release: Friday, August 16, 2024
Contact: Genevieve Greene, [email protected], 617-785-6991

C70 joins 21 other organizations and individuals from across the country being recognized for their work protecting American democracy.

Philadelphia, PA – Earlier this month, representatives from the Committee of Seventy traveled to Chicago, Ill for the American Bar Association’s (ABA) Democracy Summit during the ABA’s Annual Meeting. During the summit, the ABA’s Task Force for American Democracy presented the 2024 Unsung Heroes of Democracy Award to the Committee of Seventy and 21 other organizations and individuals. 

“We are thrilled to accept this honor from the American Bar Association, and do so in extraordinary company,” said Lauren Cristella, President and CEO of the Committee of Seventy. “Democracy doesn’t work unless we do, too. With fewer than 100 days until the 2024 general election, the Committee of Seventy is invigorated and committed to leading the way through the noise to the polls for thousands of Pennsylvania voters. ” 

The Unsung Heroes of Democracy Award recognizes individuals and organizations who work every day, often behind the scenes, to ensure that elections are secure and that the democratic ideals set forth in the U.S. Constitution are upheld. The award was open to lawyers, state and local officials, and other citizens who stand up for democracy and free and fair elections in their communities. Nonprofit organizations that support election workers and lawyers under threat and that exhibit a strong commitment to the Constitution, rule of law and democracy also were eligible. 

“Our democracy and our election process have been under attack in recent years,” ABA immediate past president Mary Smith, who created the award, said. “With our Unsung Heroes of Democracy Award, the ABA wants to recognize those individuals and groups that have answered the call to stand up for our system of government. By simply doing their jobs, they help ensure our democratic system will endure. By honoring these people and organizations, we hope we can inspire more people to become involved and to protect democracy and the rule of law.”

Committee of Seventy's hallmark programs include WeVote, supporting companies and organizations to encourage civic participation; Can We Talk?, building student skills that promote productive dialogue across differences; and poll worker training and recruitment, to give voters a front row seat in our election process and ensure sufficient staffing and each location. 

About Committee of Seventy
The Committee of Seventy is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that has promoted, supported and facilitated government ethics and election integrity for more than a century. Seventy advocates for more free,  fair, safe and secure elections and works to ensure that every eligible voter votes, is informed when they vote, and votes with confidence. For more information, visit: 
