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Issues Archive

Unit 4 - What's the Problem?
Story Core
This exercise is designed to help people do a fair-minded, useful assessment of how well a system or an organization is working.
Unit 4 - What's the Problem?
The Five Whys
To give students a helpful tool to identify the root problem beneath some frustration, dysfunction or obstacle that is bothering them, whether at an individual, family, social, community or societal level. And to share this wisdom: If you're working with a faulty grasp of the real problem, you're likely going to come up with faulty solutions.
Unit 4 - What's the Problem?
The Kitchen Table Question
This exercise can help participants make an important discovery: that "their" key issues are not the only ones worth caring about, and that other people may frame a shared issue in a way very different from their own.
Unit 4 - What's the Problem?
The Friend's Dilemma
To spark a conversation among students about the pros and cons of the community where they live, one which will reveal how people can view the same set of facts in multiple ways. To help them see that exploring multiple perspectives on a situation is a great way to gain insights and develop solutions.