Targeted to middle and high school students but open to the general public, Voices of Voting is a short play commissioned by the Committee of Seventy and written and directed by award-winning Philadelphia artistic director David Bradley that ties the personal struggles and political courage of the 1960’s campaign to secure the vote to the present-day challenge of engaging young people in our electoral process.
Three actors play more than a dozen characters in an event full of audience participation and laced with live music from the award-winning hip-hop/funk/jazz collective Ill Doots. Each performance is followed by a “talkback” session that challenges audience members to remember the courage of the young men and women of another generation who fought so hard to attain that fundamental right and renew their own commitment to citizenship.
Join us on November 7th at 11 am, 12:15 pm, 1:30 pm or 7 pm at the Enterprise Center (4548 Market St in Philly). Admission is FREE, but space is limited. Please RSVP to reserve your seat by emailing [email protected].
This grant was made possible through The Philadelphia Foundation’s Fund for Children, which is supported through generous annual contributions from the Philadelphia Eagles and the Philadelphia Phillies.