Carolyn Comitta
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Carolyn Comitta



What is one life experience you have that voters should know about?
My first run for a state office was in 2016. This race was an interesting and fun experience. I learned a lot about my neighbors and the importance of grassroots efforts as I door knocked all over the district. I won that election by 25 votes. Voting is so important, every vote counts!

How do you plan to work across ideological lines to achieve shared goals?
This is something I have always worked hard to retain. When I was Mayor of West Chester I was the first bipartisan elected Mayor. I was on the Democratic ticket and won the Republican ballot by write in. Since then I have always had a collaborative attitude in my legislative initiatives. I work to bring stakeholders to the table to find a compromised solution.

What would be your top three policy priorities in office?
My top policy priorities are combatting climate change through further investment and advancement in renewable energies, fair funding for education, and equal access to affordable and quality healthcare.

The Committee of Seventy has partnered with the Carter Center to promote the Candidate Principles for Trusted Elections ( to improve the voting process, encourage honest leadership, and promote civic engagement. Do you support the Candidate Principles? (Your answer does not connote an endorsement from C70, but your response will be made public on our website and voter guide.)