Steven Malagari
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Steven Malagari





What is one life experience you have that voters should know about?

My wife and I have been trying to conceive for a very long time. We knew it would be difficult due to a pre-existing condition I have, but through hormone therapy, we were told we could have a family. That journey started many years ago and coverage was difficult to gain access to due to the nature of fertility medications for men. Lapses in insurance coverage, medication shortages, and job changes all have led to a much longer timeline than is ideal when trying to have a family. Over the past few years, we started the process of IVF. In our first round, we were able to get six mature eggs out of thirteen retrieved, none survived past five days. We tried a second round, same outcome. We decided to take a break, reset our timeline and bodies, and try to concentrate on getting ourselves ready for another round. Then Roe v. Wade was struck down, now all of that is at risk because of this decision. A human right, is now at risk of being taken away. As a legislator who has always lived in a pro-choice world– I must now face convincing my own colleagues in HBG to allow me and my wife to continue to try and have a family. This is the experience that that voters need to know about me.

What sets you apart from other candidates?

Considering my past role as a member of Lansdale’s Borough Council, and my last 5 and a half years as this community’s State Representative– I have unique hands-on experience that my opponent just simply does not have. I’ve also spent my entire life here in this district– it is for this reason that I am called to keep serving my friends, family, and neighbors in the most diligent and hardworking manner possible. The district I represent is also home to an incredibly diverse ethnic community, and ideological community. It is for this reason I am driven to serve EVERYONE– no matter who you are, what you look like, who you pray to, who you love– or even who you vote for. I believe that is a trait that is unfortunately rare in our politics today. To address the diverse needs and language barriers some constituents may face when trying to get access to services they are entitled to– I have hired staff in my district office that not only looks like our community– but also speaks the languages our community speaks. That’s why I’ll continue to deliver results on behalf of my constituents and why the voters of the 53rd District can count on me to never stop advocating on their behalf.

How do you plan to work across ideological lines to achieve shared goals?

Working across party lines begins with realizing that, in the end, we all want the same things --- a bright future for our children, dignity for our elders, quality healthcare and education for everyone, safe and secure communities, clean air and drinking water, the best possible infrastructure, and justice and fairness for all. This last term in the House of Representatives taught myself, and hopefully my colleagues on both sides of the aisle– that NOTHING gets done without truly working together. Pennsylvania is the only divided legislature in the country– and even within that, we are divided in many ways within our legislature. We were in the majority of the House of Representatives by one ONE seat– and often due to special elections, we didn’t even have that. This meant that getting legislation passed in the House often took bipartisan effort– and collegiality. And when we did pass a bill in the House– we would have to work with the Republican controlled Senate. Even with these hurdles– and thanks to Governor Shapiro’s leadership– I was able to have 3 bipartisan bills signed into law during this term!

What would be your top three policy priorities in office?

My focus has always been on my desire to serve my community. It started when I was first elected to Lansdale’s Borough Council in 2011, and continues to this day in my role as State Representative. Throughout my time of service, I have been a tireless advocate for the issues we care most about — fair funding for our schools, improving our local infrastructure, and preventing the state government from stripping us of our most basic rights.

The Committee of Seventy has partnered with the Carter Center to promote the Candidate Principles for Trusted Elections ( to improve the voting process, encourage honest leadership, and promote civic engagement. Do you support the Candidate Principles?

I am fully supportive of the Candidate Principles to ensure we have free and fair elections– which allows every registered voter's voice to be heard.