Brad Chambers
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Brad Chambers




What is one life experience you have that voters should know about?

As the oldest of three brothers raised by a hardworking single mom, I had to learn how to be a leader from a young age. But after graduating from high school and earning a degree from Millersville, I struggled to find work in a depleted job market and found myself unhoused for a time, weighed down by student loans and unable to afford a visit to the doctor. 

Eventually, with the support of family and friends, plus determination and a bit of luck, I found stability, secured a good job, and eventually became a homeowner. But it shouldn’t take a lucky break to get by in Pennsylvania; many people go without affordable housing or healthcare for years; prolonged instability that prevents those families from thriving.

I'm running for the State House to address the very issues my neighbors and I have faced and continue to face every day in Lancaster County. 
I'm fighting for a Pennsylvania where everyone has a roof over their head, can afford their medication, and where children have the tools they need to succeed; a Pennsylvania that works for ALL of us.

What sets you apart from other candidates?

I'm not a political insider or a CEO—I'm just a regular working guy who pays attention to what's going on in his community and cares about his neighbors. I believe that our laws and our government must always put PEOPLE first, and that's just what I'll do in Harrisburg.

How do you plan to work across ideological lines to achieve shared goals?

I think it's important to find common ground wherever you can and to be realistic about the amount of consensus you're able to build. While I am a Democrat, I don't have to agree with Republicans in the State House on EVERYTHING to be able to work with them on issues where we do have common ground. I'm willing to work with ANYONE on issues that will help working families in Lancaster County get ahead, regardless of party.

What would be your top three policy priorities in office?

Affordable Housing: Quality housing that Lancaster County families can actually afford.

Public Schools: Fair funding for our public schools & lower property taxes for homeowners.

Health Care: Single-payer healthcare for PA and lower insurance & prescription costs.

The Committee of Seventy has partnered with the Carter Center to promote the Candidate Principles for Trusted Elections ( to improve the voting process, encourage honest leadership, and promote civic engagement. Do you support the Candidate Principles?

I support the Principles for Trusted Elections because our democracy depends on the integrity of the electoral process. Every vote must be counted fairly, securely, and transparently. Upholding these principles ensures that the voice of every citizen is respected and that our democratic institutions remain strong.