Richard Weiss
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Richard Weiss



What is one life experience you have that voters should know about?

I have lived and worked overseas in Indonesia, so I have both a global and local perspective.

What sets you apart from other candidates?

The Green Party accepts no corporate donations. Support the Green Party of PA by donating here The Green Party works for the people not the corporations.

How do you plan to work across ideological lines to achieve shared goals?

I believe Pennsylvanians want:

--clean water, clean air, and to avoid cancer. If elected, I will pursue those responsible for over half a million uncapped fracking wells in Pennsylvania and require owners of currently active wells to set aside funds for capping.

--to reduce crime, lower costs to taxpayers, protect consumers, renters, workers, the uninsured, the unhoused, those discriminated against and the disabled. The U.S. has the highest incarceration rate in the world. Prison slave laborers in Pennsylvania work for corporations for pennies per hour, while their incarceration, food, healthcare, guards, etc. are paid for by taxpayers. Migrants aren't taking anyone's job, prison slave laborers are. Require payment of market rates for work of inmates. Incarceration will go down when it is no longer profitable.

--their politicians not to be corrupt by taking gifts. I will not be partisan.

--no more genocide in Gaza. I will sue any federal government administration that continues to provide military aid in violation of the Foreign Assistance Act which requires that assistance may not be provided to any state which restricts humanitarian aid, as is currently occurring.

How do you envision the role of Attorney General interacting with other branches of government to effectively serve the interests of the Commonwealth?

As Attorney General of Pennsylvania, I will work with all branches of government to:

--enact a gift ban for politicians and public servants in Pennsylvania, so that corruption will be illegal. In 2024, we know that gifts are given to public officials for the purpose of obtaining desired public actions, a quid pro quo, and otherwise they would not be given. I would sue members of the US Supreme Court to return gifts they have received, and invalidate decisions they have made while accepting gifts from interested parties.

--create a system of special courts and special prosecutors dedicated to trials regarding charges of police misconduct. Regular courts and prosecutors rely on cooperation of police to carry out their functions and thus are impeded from acting impartially with regard to matters of police conduct.

These actions will restore and uphold public faith in our public servants.

The Committee of Seventy has partnered with the Carter Center to promote the Candidate Principles for Trusted Elections ( to improve the voting process, encourage honest leadership, and promote civic engagement. Do you support the Candidate Principles?
