Denise Maris
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Denise Maris



What is one life experience you have that voters should know about?

Of all the life experiences that I think voters should know about me would be getting my higher education later in life. In my 40's, I made a decision to go back to school while driving school bus part time and taking care of my family. Being able to juggle not only my commitment to my family but my full time course load helped me 

What sets you apart from other candidates?

Various life experiences from being a single mom of two boys, working two jobs to pay for medicine or to put food on the table. To having to travel over 30 minutes for a job, to losing a job and to trying to search for a job closer to home because of the increasing cost of gasoline. To most recently, juggling a full time college course schedule and a family life. Each one of these experiences has made me the person I am today. 

How do you plan to work across ideological lines to achieve shared goals?

I plan to work across ideological lines by finding a common ground with the individuals that I would be working with. As a society, we often deal with similar issues whether that's access to healthcare, increasing costs of child care or just the increasing cost to live, we can work together if we take a moment to just listen and really listen to the issues that concern all us. 

What would be your top three policy priorities in office?

My first policy priority would be to work on getting access to healthcare in our rural areas since these often have our seniors who should not have to drive over 30 minutes to meet with their doctors.  

My second policy priority would be to ensure that our children's educational systems are able to provide a high quality education. Our children, regardless of their families financial situation, should be able to learn free from culture wars and those who want to push their religious agenda.  

My third policy priority would to protect a women's right to choice. Women's should to free from reparations, government involvement in their healthcare and the ability to make the best choice for them. Government needs to stay out of a women's body. Period!

The Committee of Seventy has partnered with the Carter Center to promote the Candidate Principles for Trusted Elections ( to improve the voting process, encourage honest leadership, and promote civic engagement. Do you support the Candidate Principles?

Yes, I support the Candidate Principles as listed on your website.